Aviation, do you get it?
Aviation, you either get it or you don't. Flying isn't about adrenaline, well for some it is, but it's not adrenaline alone. The freedom of the skies, the ability to look down upon the world, it's amazing.

Part of what I do is to take photographs of people's airplanes, but another part that I like to do is to capture the experience. I want others who view my photos to get a feel for what it was like, the feeling, the view, the freedom.

For some, the photos will make them dizzy, give them vertigo. But then I see the folks who take a look at the photos like the ones below and the look in their eye says it all; they get it.

I was once asked what it was that made aviation a passion for me. It's hard to put into words. But part of it is that once those wheels leave the ground and you take to the sky, nothing else matters. All the cares and worries melt away and there is a peace that comes over me. It's almost like a brief glimpse of heaven, euphoric, thrilling and awe-inspiring.

During an interview with Michael Maloco, I heard him say that if he could find a way to refuel in the air, he would stay up there indefinitely. I have to agree. There is just something about being up in the sky, away from all the hustle and bustle below. Flying in formation, there is a trust and respect for your fellow aviators (although I am not an aviator, there is quite a bit of that for me to ride along!).

When I started doing aviation photography over 20 years ago, I often dreamed of being able to fly along to snap some shots and to enjoy flying. Today, I am doing what I dreamed of 20+ years ago, although not as often as I would like. It's almost like a drug, highly habit forming. Some people try drugs and get hooked on the first try while others try it and never do it again, saying "it's not for me". Flying is my drug, and boy am I addicted!

So, do you get it?
1 comment:
Great looking site Evan!
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